Hot Pot Cottage Pie

Steps to Prepare Speedy Hot Pot Cottage Pie

Hot Pot Cottage Pie

Hey everyone, it is Jim, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, Hot Pot Cottage Pie. It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Hot Pot Cottage Pie is one of the most favored of recent trending meals in the world. It is enjoyed by millions every day. It is simple, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. They’re fine and they look wonderful. Hot Pot Cottage Pie is something that I’ve loved my entire life.

Many things affect the quality of taste from Hot Pot Cottage Pie, starting from the type of ingredients, then the selection of fresh ingredients, the ability to cut dishes to how to make and serve them. Don’t worry if you want to prepare Hot Pot Cottage Pie delicious at home, because if you already know the trick then this dish can be used as an extraordinary special treat.

Just in addition, the time it takes to cook Hot Pot Cottage Pie estimated approx 2 hr 20 min..

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can have Hot Pot Cottage Pie using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

I made the Recipe up . Is cooked in 2 hours from within the oven . The gravy is a loose Beef Stock – I didn't add Cornflour – will be even better too eat when I reheat the leftovers in the oven

Ingredients and spices that need to be Get to make Hot Pot Cottage Pie:

  1. 4 tbsp. Sunflower Oil
  2. 4 medium sized Brown Onions
  3. 1 tbsp. Sunflower Oil
  4. 500 g frozen Beef Steak Mince
  5. 2 Beef Oxo Cubes
  6. 500 ml cold water
  7. Medium sized saucepan of thinly sliced potatoes
  8. I recommend seasoning a little, rather than too much

Steps to make to make Hot Pot Cottage Pie

  1. To save time you will require a multi functional Tefal Food Processor – don't put the blade in at the bottom, leave the blade out and add the Tefal Attachment with the blade facing up at the top – on top of your Tefal Food Processor whilst it's sitting on the Tefal stand attachment – will need too place the Tefal Lid over the top – over the round disc blade
  2. Four quarter – about 1.250g/1KG 250g of raw Baking Potatoes and then place them through your Tefal Food Processor at the top funnel of the Tefal Lid and then use the Tefal Plastic Pestle too push the raw potatoes through the funnel onto the blade. When too full empty into a large mixing bowl. Allow the slices of potatoes too rest in cold tap water
  3. Preheat oven to either Gas Mark 6 or 7. Blanch or par-boil the thin raw slices of potatoes for One minute in boiling hot water and then drain the hot water off and transfer the potatoes too a empty medium sized saucepan or large mixing bowl. Allow to cool
  4. Place 4 tablespoons of Sunflower Oil in a non-stick Wok etc. and then peel the 4 Brown Onions, wash under the cold water tap and then quarter the Onions and then place them through the shredder of your Tefal Food Processor and then add the thinly sliced Onions too the non-stick Wok – fry for 10 minutes – constantly stirring with a Wooden Spoon, or gently simmer the Onions. Place the cooked Onions in the Casserole Baking Dish
  5. Place One tablespoon of Sunflower Oil in the non-stick Wok you just used and then place your frozen Beef Steak Mince into the Wok. Fry for 10 minutes as is said on the back of the Packaging of the meat mince and then add the cooked Beef mince onto the top of the cooked Onions
  6. Add the cold blanched thinly sliced potatoes on top of the Beef Mince and Onions and then place Kitchen Foil over the top. Bake for One hour with the foil over the top and then remove and then have the oven up at Gas Mark 7 and then bake for a further One hour

As your experience and also self-confidence expands, you will certainly find that you have a lot more natural control over your diet plan and adjust your diet to your personal preferences gradually. Whether you intend to offer a dish that uses fewer or more components or is a bit essentially spicy, you can make simple modifications to attain this objective. To put it simply, start making your dishes on schedule. As for standard cooking abilities for newbies you don’t require to discover them but only if you master some basic food preparation techniques.

This isn’t a complete overview to fast as well as simple lunch recipes but its great something to chew on. Hopefully this will obtain your imaginative juices streaming so you can prepare delicious meals for your family without doing too many square meals on your journey.

So that is going to wrap this up with this special food Easiest Way to Prepare Ultimate Hot Pot Cottage Pie. Thanks so much for your time. I am confident you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!

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